Sound Science and Engineering (SSE)

Speakers, hands holding electrical probes, a microphone



Sound Science and Engineering is a grassroots Georgia Tech initiative with faculty members, students and other researchers from a wide range of disciplines, departments and institutes. From the technology of music to early detection of earthquakes, SSE promotes the integration of research, education, training and outreach in sound and acoustics.

The Sound Lab

The Sound Lab is a student-led make-and-measure space at Georgia Tech. Like Invention Studio, The Materials Innovation Learning Laboratory, The HIVE, Aero Studio and the Open Polymer Active Learning Laboratory, fully engaged students from any major enjoy 24/7 access to great equipment. Others with a GT affiliation, from high school intern to visiting professor, also may access the facilities and engage in any of the activities. Sound Lab supports a culture of learning, discovery, education and outreach in the science and engineering of acoustics, from music generation to sonification (assigning sounds to other physical phenomena). Students can learn and hone their skills in leadership, management, and measurement of sound and other acoustic phenomena. Members design new materials, explore sonochemistry, develop advanced electronics, perfect the art of noise cancellation, build advanced sensors and transducers, improve the quality of human-computer interaction, and study human perception of sound through artificial intelligence algorithms. Sound Lab also promotes the understanding of the social implications of sound.

Training Program

Georgia Tech possesses a deep pedagogical capacity regarding issues of sound studies covering a wide array of disciplines.  There is unmatched potential across the 20+ researchers in our eleven academic and supporting units.

Associated GT Research Units

Schools of: 
•    Chemistry
•    Materials Science & Engineering
•    Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
•    Electrical & Computer Engineering
•    Interactive Computing
•    Psychology
•    Environmental Sciences
•    Civil Engineering
•    Public Policy 
•    Institute for People and Technology
•    Center for the Development and Application of Internet of Things Technologies

Contact Information

For further information, contact: 
Gil Weinberg 