CACP’s mission is to inform the inclusive development, implementation and adoption of cutting-edge, next generation digital technologies domestically and internationally by conducting objective, evidence-based research. Drawing on focused, empirically based research, we develop social, economic and policy-oriented perspectives on digital technologies at the intersection of society, inclusion and policy that address a range of stakeholder needs.
Our research provides the foundation for the assessment and analysis of issues that inform our contribution to public sector policy: federal rulemaking, and input into the regulatory and policy-making process. This applied research orientation also supports our work in applied and industry-centric research and assessment.
Work in this area includes usability and human factors assessment, use of technology to facilitate independence for older adults, accessible and inclusive technology designed for people with functional limitations; enhanced, accessible, emergency communications that affect people with disabilities, the general public, as well as first responders and other stakeholders. In this latter focus we emphasize the importance of collaborative partnerships with industry as well as designers, developers, and other innovation related interests.