News Archive

Technology and Disability Policy Highlights - January 2020

February 7, 2020

In January, The Wireless E911 Location Accuracy Requirements [PS Docket No. 07-114] final ruling was published in the Federal Register, which focused on the adoption of a z-axis location accuracy metric. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) also noted that it now requires nationwide commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) providers to deploy dispatchable location technology to meet the latest rulemaking. This final ruling is effective on March 16, 2020.

CACP Researchers Attend CES 2020

January 14, 2020

CACP Executive Director Brad Fain and Research Scientist Sarah Farmer attended the 2020 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) January 6-11, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The key objective was obtaining a sense of upcoming technologies that were focused on or had components of accessibility and usability, or could enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities, the aging, and other vulnerable populations. Specific areas included meeting with NIST's Public Safety Communication Research Division and other first responder related communication technology companies.

Technology and Disability Policy Highlights - December 2019

January 14, 2020

In December, the Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence (TRACED) Act was signed into law [Public Law No: 116-105], a bipartisan legislative effort to reduce the excessive number of robocalls that Americans receive daily. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) now has additional tools and flexibilities to combat malicious caller ID spoofing, which will allow the FCC to pursue scammers. The law also extends the statute of limitations for the FCC to criminally pursue violators.

Paul M.A. Baker, keynote speaker on Workforces at China Shipbuilders Association

December 5, 2019

Paul M.A. Baker was an invited keynote speaker at the Intellectual Property (IP) in manufacturing sectors (ship building) in China Conference, hosted by Ship Building National Association of China, Zhenjiang, PRC on November 18, 2019. He spoke on "Innovation Networks, Platform Intermediaries, and Trends in IT Workforce."

Technology and Disability Policy Highlights - Fall 2019

December 5, 2019

This fall, the country celebrated National Disability Employment Awareness Month(link is external) (NDEAM) with hosted talks about best practices for employers on how to increase disability inclusion. Numerous organizations hosted events, awareness campaigns, and initiatives in support of NDEAM. Dell convened an "Accessibility Driving Innovation" panel, and Microsoft published videos and blog posts about their vision that accessibility and inclusion are essential for empowering everyone, everywhere.

Helena Mitchell attended Council of State Governments National Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico

December 2, 2019

Helena Mitchell attended the Council of State Governments National Conference, December 4-7, 2019 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, as a member of the Future of the Workforce: Innovations in Disabilities Task Force. The Final Report of the Task Force makes recommendations on the gig economy, autonomous vehicles, employment, better workforce training and policies to promote universal design principles.

Mitchell attends Carolinas Alliance for Success in Education (CASE) Summit

November 1, 2019

Regents' Researcher Helena Mitchell attended the 2019 Carolinas Alliance for Success in Education (CASE) Summit, November 14-15, 2019, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Mitchell was a facilitator for the November 14th "Critical Conversations" session, and a luncheon panelist for a discussion of "HBCU Telecommunications Infrastructure: Past-Present-Future," on November 15th. The CASE Summit is sponsored by Johnson C.

Technology and Disability Policy Highlights - September 2019

October 14, 2019

In September, National Preparedness Month was celebrated, and many took the opportunity to inform citizens of the importance of being prepared in the event of a local or national emergency. For example, ReadyDC’s campaign objective was to provide information that was both accessible and readily available. Their website contains information and resources on how to create emergency kits, communications plans, and how to remain informed about various types of emergencies.

CACP Staff Activities at Georgia Digital Government Summit 2019

October 2, 2019

CACP was well represented at the recent Georgia Digital Government Summit ( is external)) held in Atlanta, September 23-24. Aside from attending the many sessions, researchers made two panel presentations. CACP researchers Nathan Moon and Paul M.A. Baker delivered a presentation for the “Accessibility and the Engaged Citizen” panel, and Paul M.A. Baker was a panelist on the “Smart Communities” panel.

Technology and Disability Policy Highlights - August 2019

September 10, 2019

In August, Colorado passed Modifications to the Uniform Election Code (HB19-1278) and Voting Access for People with Disabilities (SB19-202) Acts to expand access to voting for all eligible Coloradans. SB19-202 gives Coloradans with disabilities the ability to vote independently and privately using nonvisual or low vision access technologies.

Technology and Disability Policy Highlights - July 2019

August 6, 2019

July 2019 marked the 29th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Local celebrations were held around the United States, and national access and inclusion initiatives were highlighted, as well. For example, at the local level, to kick off the 29th Anniversary of the ADA, Rapid City, South Dakota an official proclamation for the city was signed to recognize July 26th as ADA Awareness Day, emphasizing inclusion.

Baker Presents Paper at 2019 APPAM International Conference in Barcelona

August 6, 2019

CACP Senior Director Paul M.A. Baker presented a paper at the 2019 APPAM (Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management) International Conference held in Barcelona, Spain July 28-31. The paper, "Regional Policy and Networks of Innovation: Implications for Workforce Development and the Future(s) of Work," (Paul M.A. Baker, CACP, and Helaina Gaspard, University of Ottawa), was part of the "Emergent Technologies and their Societal Impact" panel, and explored the Future of Work, and innovation networks in the U.S. and Canada related to energy and software development. 

CACP Voting Security Corporate White Paper at NASS

July 17, 2019

CACP Voting Security Corporate White Paper developed for National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) Summer Conference

"Revisioning the U.S. Elections Process: Voting Security and Election Integrity," a Smartmatic Corporate white paper, was developed by CACP researcher Paul M.A. Baker for the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) Summer Conference, June 30 through July 3, 2019 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Click here to see the published white paper on the NASS website(link is external)