Helena Mitchell was invited to participate in the ITU-Academia collaboration consultation meeting that took place on the 8th of December (just prior to Kaleidoscope 2015). This meeting provided an opportunity to exchange views on what the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) can do to best meet the needs and expectations of Academia. This hands-on interactive event included some 50 participants representing institutions from all over the world. The ITU Secretary General (or the Deputy Secretary General) was present. December 9-11 Helena attended the ITU Kaleidoscope 2015: Trust in the Information Society conference and moderating the session “Trust in the Cloud” which included a discussion of the highly dynamic field of Internet of Things. The conference is the seventh series of peer-reviewed academic conferences organized by the ITU to bring together a wide range of views on emerging developments in information and communication technologies (ICTs) from universities, industry and research institutions of different fields. Kaleidoscope 2015 analyzed the notion of “trust” in the ICT context as well as innovations embedding trust into ICT ecosystems and infrastructures. The event highlighted ideas and research that will help ensure the Information Society’s growth in inclusivity and sustainability and why these innovations should be deserving of our trust. The Conference Proceedings can be viewed in IEEE Xplore.
The ITU was founded in Paris in 1865 as the International Telegraph Union. It took its present name, International Telecommunication Union, in 1934, and in 1947 became a specialized agency of the United Nations.
For more information on the Internet of Things please visit CDAIT.