Filing Date
June 8th, 2009
In the Matter of A National Broadband Plan for Our Future, GN Docket No. 09-51, was adopted and released April 8, 2009. The NOI is seeking comment on (i) what it means for a person with disabilities to have access to and use of broadband networks; (ii) how broadband services impact persons with disabilities' ability to communicate; and (iii) how the needs of people with disabilities should be included in the national broadband plan.
Comments, filed June 8, 2009:
- Urged FCC to analyze and seek to understand the availability, affordability and usability of broadband among people with disabilities;
- Suggested the FCC disaggregate broadband usage based on type of disability, income, employment status, level of education and race;
- Provided statistical input about the disability community for inclusion in the national broadband plan;
- Recommended the FCC include all stakeholder concerns by holding regional workshops for collaborative efforts in developing and implementing a national plan beyond the typical rulemaking and formation of special study groups.