Wireless RERC files FCC comments on “Amendment of the Commission’s Rules Governing Hearing Aid Compatible Mobile Handsets”

Filing Date
December 16th, 2007

On Dec. 16, 2007 the Wireless RERC filed comments to the FCC on Amendment of the Commission’s Rules Governing Hearing Aid Compatible Mobile Handsets, WT Docket No. 07-250. The Wireless RERC noted in response to the FCC’s solicitation that ongoing Wireless RERC research suggests that consumers continue to have problems with the interoperability of cell phones and hearing aids. In a recent Wireless RERC Delphi Policy study, an overwhelming majority of respondents identified “device incompatibility or poor interoperability,” as a very important or important issue with cell phones. Further, the Wireless RERC's Survey of User Needs (2002-present) continues to find evidence that consumers with hearing impairments have difficulty finding cell phones in the marketplace that are compatible enough with hearing aids. These findings reveal that cell phone users with hearing impairments are running up against barriers to full usability of their device, which could be addressed through the regulatory process.
