News Archive

DeeDee Bennett Conducts Focus Groups at the Deaf Link, Inc. in San Antonio, TX

November 20, 2014

DeeDee Bennett and the CACP collaborative team conducted focus groups at Deaf Link, Inc. in San Antonio, TX on November 20, 2014. The focus groups explored the use of assistive technology for mobile devices and awareness of Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) messages. Participants were asked how they receive emergency alerts and information and preferences regarding light and vibration for incoming alerts. This research is supported by the Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate under contract #HSHQDC-14-C-B0004.

DeeDee Bennett holds demonstrations at the International Association of Emergency Managers

November 17, 2014

DeeDee Bennett held demonstrations at the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) Conference and Exhibition in San Antonio, TX, November 17 -19, 2014. She demonstrated development and prototype projects related to our work with the Wireless RERC and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Integrated Public Alerts and Warnings (IPAWS) division regarding accessible emergency alerts for people with disabilities. Due the nature our research and recent partnerships, the demonstrations were featured in the FEMA IPAWS Booth (#327) at the IAEM Conference. 

Big update on the event in Washington D.C. Friday: CACP Participated in the FCC’s Accessible Wireless Emergency Communications Forum & Exhibition

November 7, 2014

The FCC held a forum on Friday, "FCC’s Accessible Wireless Emergency Communications Forum & Exhibition” November 7, 2014, to promote the latest advances in accessible wireless emergency communications, including text-to-911. The event was held at FCC Headquarters, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20554. CACP/Wireless RERC participated on a panel and also provided several prototypes and app solutions for alerting people with disabilities.

University System of Georgia Names Helena Mitchell a Regents' Researcher

October 10, 2014

Dr. Helena Mitchell, executive director of Georgia Tech’s Center for Advanced Communications Policy (CACP), was named a Regents' Researcher by the University System of Georgia. This highest of research honors, given by the Board of Regents of the state of Georgia, celebrates Dr. Mitchell’s scientific accomplishments and contributions to her field of research. Dr. Mitchell was recruited to Georgia through the Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar program that spans educational, community and business environments.

National Council on Disability (NCD) Event

October 6, 2014

Georgia Tech hosted a Research showcase and reception for the National Council on Disability on October 6, 2014 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Twenty-eight R&D posters and demonstrations presented the wide ranging work of the Georgia Tech community including design and technology for people with motor impairments, hard-of-hearing and Deaf, people with vision impairments, social media for children and adolescents, and universal design for people aging into disability.

Article by DeeDee Bennett is featured in the IAEM Bulletin, volume 31, issue 10

October 1, 2014

An article by DeeDee Bennett, Ph.D. entitled “Moving Towards Accessible Wireless Emergency Alerts: Sending and Receiving” is featured in the October 2014 International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) Bulletin, volume 31, issue 10. This IAEM Bulletin issue is focused on the theme for the IAEM 2014 Annual Conference and EMEX, “Emergency Management: Navigating the New Normal”.

The issue is available online at the IAEM website or for download below.

CACP Reports on Communications for People with Disabilities at the Time of Emergencies

September 1, 2014

Researchers at the Center for Advanced Communications Policy (CACP) at the Georgia Institute of Technology have written a report on Effective Communication for People with Disabilities Before, During, and After Emergencies. Funded by the National Council on Disabilities, the report finds that the legitimate concerns of people with disabilities and other special needs populations in emergency situations are frequently overlooked or minimized.

CACP Researchers at GACHI to Conduct Focus Groups

August 8, 2014

DeeDee Bennett, Salimah LaForce and the CACP collaborative team conducted focus groups at GACHI on August 8, 2014. The focus group explored user testing of an external alerting interface that responds to Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) messages on mobile phones. Participants was asked how they receive emergency alerts and information and preferences for two-way communications with emergency response personnel.

DeeDee Bennett at the Center for the Visually Impaired to Conduct Focus Groups

July 10, 2014

DeeDee Bennett and the CACP collaborative team conducted focus groups at the Center for the Visually Impaired (CVI) on July 10, 2014. The focus group explored user testing of an external alerting interface that responds to Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) messages on mobile phones. Participants was asked how they receive emergency alerts and information and preferences for two-way communications with emergency response personnel. This research is supported, in part, by the Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS) Project Management Office (PMO) under contract # HSFE5-13-R-003.

Natural Hazards

June 22, 2014

Helena Mitchell attended and presented at the 39th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop Sunday, June 22 through Wednesday, June 25, 2014 in Broomfield, Colorado. The Workshop: Wireless Emergency Alerts - The Edge of the Wave: Current Research and Pathway Forward will be presented on Monday, June 23, 2014.

Salimah LaForce at Deaf Link HQ to Conduct Focus Groups

June 18, 2014

CACP researcher Salimah LaForce traveled to Deaf Link headquarters in San Antonio, TX on June 18-20, 2014 to conduct focus groups and observe a novel survey method for capturing data from people who are deaf and rely on American Sign Language (ASL). One focus group explored user testing of an external alerting interface that responds to Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) messages on mobile phones. The other discussed how different modes of communication can be leveraged to enhance access to emergency information.

NFPA Conference and Expo

June 10, 2014

Braeden Benson presented, "Reaching the Whole Community: Examining Website Accessibility," at the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Conference and Expo Tuesday, June 10, 2014 (11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m.). The presentation discussed how websites are an important means of communication used in public safety.

M-Enabling Seminar: Enabling Better Emergency Services for Persons with Disabilities

June 10, 2014

DeeDee Bennett was on a panel at the M-Enabling Seminar in Arlington, VA Tuesday, June 10, 2014 (11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.). Emergency communications today can leverage multiple technology enablers embedded in mobile phones to provide more informed, accurate and faster response to calls by seniors or persons with disabilities at risk. This session reviewed solutions adopted around the world, case studies and innovations with the greatest potential for enhancing emergency communications for seniors and persons with disabilities.

AIRS Conference

June 3, 2014

Helena Mitchell attended and presented at the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) in Atlanta, Georgia June 1st - June 4th at the Sheraton Hotel. The workshop title: Emergency Planning & Response for the Whole Community: Information, Resources and Tools was presented on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 (8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.).